AngelSkar Serpentum Logo

AngelSkar Serpentum


kr3a7ur | Nico

Serpentum Captain

Tenacious and enthusiastic IGL, known for pressing W and plastering the walls with blood, either yours or their own.


Serpentum Vice-Captain

Love getting beat up by flowers? Well now you can experience that with the 4 season flowers. Enjoy the beating by Vinterblomst, Forårsblomst, Sommerblomst & Efterårsblomst



Serpentum Player

Do you like getting absolutely destroyed by an awp? Don't worry i hit 1% of my shots so you will never experience this playing against me :3


Serpentum Player

an aggressive fetus, the infant annihilator, price is a barely conscious toddler who when he was three had all his other keys on his keyboard removed apart from W, so he had to adapt, so he developed a hyper aggressive style, labeled by many as the reincarnation of ART stewie and yekindar, his pure aggression is stupid and idiotic but it works... sometimes. he's tied with pablo (serenity player) for the title of the best opener, however with his recent performances he has silenced his critics and solidified his reign as ''BEST OPENER EUW''... everybody hates price (coming soon)


Serpentum Player

Rifler from portugal. Peeks like a dog.



Serpentum Stand-in


Serpentum Stand-in